Spanish Waterdogs at work

The Spanish Waterdog originally was used in Spain for a variety of work. The most important tasks the Spanish Waterdog had were: 
- herding of sheep/goats/pigs
- hunting dog
- assistant of fishermen
They assisted in setting the nets, retrieving lost tackle, working the lines both in and out of the water, and protecting the catch once dockside.
This is why a Spanish Waterdog is an all-round dog and has wonderful working abilities. 

Nowadays the Spanish Waterdog mainly is held as a dog for companion, but in the south of Spain they are still being used for herding goats and pigs.
Because of the the wonderful working abilities and will to please we see the SWD more and more in all kinds of dog sports, like agility and flyball. Every year the Spanish Waterdogclub organizes in Spain International Trials for the Spanish Waterdog. The trials contain a variety of elements like retrieving, rescuing and taking different kind of obstacles.We ourselves train our dogs: obedience and agility and we train our dogs for these trials.
 Down here you can find a number of photo's of our and other Spanish Waterdogs at work.


Shira 'red' Dennis Chico 'red' Dennis
Shira en Chico "rescue" Dennis from the water (practice for the trials

and here Dennis "rescued" in Spain by several dogs during the trials of 2006 !!


Turca (owner Antonio) is retrieving an object from his swimming pool

and here you can see our own Chico in action, diving up an object:


Retrieving in the water

Shira takes a jump !


and this way is also possible !! (Chico):



Spain 2006



Spaanse Waterhond teef Shira op show, hier in stand Spaanse Waterhond teef Shira op show, hier komt de keurmeester haar gebit controleren

Spaanse Waterhond teef Shira op show, hier betast de keurmeester haar Spaanse Waterhond teef Shira op show, hier nogmaals neergezet tijdens het schrijven van het rapport
Gelt with Shira on a show


Shira shows that climbing a ladder a piece of cake is for her

Chico practices a lane of obstacles for the trials



Very enthusiastic to go into the water:

Rescuing-part during the trials in Arcos de la Frontera 2006